Pictures from the Evening

Washtenaw Literacy is most appreciative of sponsors, donors, ticket buyers, raffle ticket purchasers and live and silent auction bidders at the 13th annual World in a Basket auction.  We are proud to celebrate 40 years of serving the community.  Because of you, Washtenaw Literacy is changing lives one word at a time.

The Gretkierewicz family are natural-born raffle ticket salespeople! Thank you Owen, Luke and Christina. Lucky Pam Horiszny won the iPAD 2.

Long-time supporters Beth and Joe Fitzsimmons enjoy the buffet choices.

Wonderful food!  Many thanks to Washtenaw Community College for their venue, excellent staff, and attention to details to make this event successful.

Washtenaw Literacy's Development Director, Ebani Lowery.

Co-host Rochelle Riley and her friend Carolyn Grannum enjoy a fun evening while supporting adult literacy.

Nice to see Larry Whitworth and his wife.  He handed off the reigns to Washtenaw Community College at the end of the summer to new President Rose Bellanca.

Rose Bellanca, new WCC President and co-host for the evening, and husband get into the bidding!

The "Almost Live" section of the auction has WL tutor Renata Mirsky amused.  Leslie Hasker, WL staff member, helps her make sense of the special offerings.

Auctioneer Steve Gross takes bids for the "Almost Live" auction.  Bidders got great deals throughout the evening.

Tutor Marty Friedburg watches his donation go to the highest bidder.  Thank you, Marty, for gathering up so many great basket donations!

After hours, days, weeks, and months preparing for the auction, Linda Caine and Barb Tester relax and enjoy the evening.  You two are the best!

Jane Wilkinson is another valued basket committee member; here with her husband Howard.

Tables full of silent auction offerings grab the attention of attendees.  What a selection!

Literacy supporters sample desserts and wait for the beginning of the live auction.

Basket chair, Sarah Visintainer, shows off part of the exquisite collection of rhinestone jewelry in the live auction.  The lucky bidder got a very special collection of designer-signed pieces.

Executive Director Amy Goodman congratulates board member Pam French on her lucky silent auction take away.

Staff member Liz and husband help with check out.